• Timgad Voyages
  • +213 (0) 33 85 60 66


Home Algeria on Motorcycle ALGIERS OASIS

    Aucun to travel 14 Days & 13 Nights

Day 1
Greetings and assistance in the port of Algiers.
Transfer and installation in the Hotel Albert I ***.
Walk downtown.
Dinner and overnight at the hotel.

Day 2
After breakfast, departure towards Boussaâda via Bouira and Bordj Bouariridj.
Lunch on the road. Arrival in M'Sila.
Tour of Kalâat Beni Hamad (Beni Hamad citadel). Continuation towards Boussaâda.
Arrival and settling at the Hotel Kerdada.
Dinner and overnight.

Day 3
After breakfast, tour of the Ferrero mills, the Zaouïa d'El-Hamel and the Nareddine Dinet
(Etienne Dinet) museum.
Lunch in town.
Departure towards Djelfa for a tour of the rocky sites of Zaccar, Ain Naga and Ain El Bell.
Continuation towards Laghouat and then Berriane to finally arrive at the en of the afternoon
in Ghardaïa.
Settling in the traditional house "Akham".
Dinner and overnight.

Day 4
Breakfast. Tour of the city, the market and the sharing water systems (ancient irrigation systems).
After lunch, tour of the El Ateuf, Bounoura, Melika and Beni Yesguen cities.
Dinner and overnight in Akham.

Day 5
Early departure towards Guerara, a Mozabite city surrounded by beautiful oasis.
Continuation towards H'jira (a village entirely buried under the sand).
Lunch break. Tour of the old village (possibility of crossing wild camels).
Continuation towards El Wadi via Touggourt and Djamâa through the sand dunes of
Grand Erg Oriental.
Arrival in El Wadi. Tour of the Méheri palace.
Dinner and overnight at the Hotel Ritane Palace ***.

Day 6
Departure in the morning direction Guemmar. Short tour of the city.
Continuation towards Sidi Okba with stops to take pictures at the Chottes Melghigh
(fossilized lakes).
Tour of Sidi Okba, founder of the city of Kairawan of Tunisia. Lunch in Biskra. Walk through the city.
Continuation towards Batna through M'chouneche and the Ghoufi Balconies.
Arrival at the end of the day in Batna. Settling at the Selim Hotel.
Dinner and overnight.

Day 7
After breakfast, departure towards Timgad for a tour of the museum and the Roman site built
in the year 80 B.C.
Continuation towards Khenchela via Djebel Chélia (the heart of the Aures). Hike and tour of
the Ras Keltoum Mountain (2329m).
Arrival at Khenchela. Tour of the city and its spa. Lunch outdoors.
Continuation towards Tébessa, city known of its beautiful carpets of the Nmemchas.
Tour of the city and of its prestigious historical monuments (the Roman Amphitheatre, the Arc de
Triomphe also known as the Caracalla and the Minerva Temple built during the 3rd century).
Dinner and overnight at the Hotel Ben Osman.

Day 8
Departure in the morning towards Souk Ahras (ancient Thagaste).
Tour of the Olivier (hometown of St.Austin), of the Madaure and Khemissa archeological sites.
Lunch outdoors.
Continuation towards Annaba for arrival at the beginning of the afternoon.
Tour of the St.Augustin Basilica, of the museum and of the Roman site.
Dinner and overnight at the Hotel Sabri.

Day 9
After breakfast, departure towards Guelma.
Tour of the archeological site and of the spa.
Lunch outdoors. Continuation towards Constantine.
Upon arrival, settling at the Hotel Cirta ***.
Walk through the city.
Dinner and overnight.

Day 10
Breakfast at the hotel. Guided tour of the city : Sidi Rached Bridge, Suspended Bridge,
Perrégaux Gateway, Brassware (copper work), Emir Abdelkader mosque.
Lunch in town. Departure towards Tiddis.
Tour of the archeological site and the Christian Chapel of Mithra built during the IV century B.C.
Return to Constantine.
Dinner and overnight at Hotel Cirta ***.

Day 11
After breakfast, departure towards Jijel. On the way, magnificent views with gorges and rock
ambushes with a décor filled with greeneries which complement well this pure and natural harmony.
Lunch stop at Jijel. Continuation towards Bejaia along the coast in order to admire the famous
jijelienne ridge with its caves and its heavenly views.
Arrival in Bejaia. Settling at the Hotel Club Alloui *** (feet in the water hotel).
Tour of the city and climbing towards Yemma Gouraya (magnificent citadel offering an impregnable
view of the city and its port).
Dinner and overnight.

Day 12
Breakfast and departure towards Tizi-Ouzou, the Kabylie capital.
Short stops on the way to visit and admire typical Beber villages. Lunch in Tizi-Ouzou.
Continuation towards Algiers through Tigzirt for a visit of the Roman Ruins and the Old Port.
Arrival in Algiers, settling at the Hotel Albert I ***.
Dinner and overnight.

Day 13
Breakfast. Tour of the city (Kasbah, Notre Dame of Africa Cathedral, Bardo Museum, Bastion 23…).
Lunch in town. Free afternoon.
Dinner and overnight at the Hotel Albert I ***.

Day 14
After breakfast, transfer to the port of Algiers.
Assistance with departure.

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+213 (0) 33 85 60 66

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2024 Timgad Voyages