• Timgad Voyages
  • +213 (0) 33 85 60 66


Home Algeria on Motorcycle TASSILI OF HOGGAR

    more than 4000 km to travel 22 Days & 21 Nights

Day 1
Greetings and assistance in the Port of Algiers.
Transfer and settling at the Hotel Albert I ***.
Walk through the city. Dinner and overnight at the hotel.

Day 2
After breakfast, departure towards Boussaâda via Bouira and Bordj Bouariridj.
Lunch on the way. Arrival in M'Sila. Tour of Kalâat Beni Hamad (Beni Hamad Citadel).
Continuation towards Boussaâda.
Arrival and settling at the Hotel Kerdada.
Dinner and overnight.

Day 3
After breakfast, tour of the Ferrefo mills, the Zaouïa d'El-Hamel and the Nasreddine Dinet
(Etienne Dinet) Museum.
Lunch in town. Departure towards Djelfa for a tour of the rocky sites of Zaccar,
Ain Naga and Ain El Bell.
Continuation towards Laghouat and then Berriane to finally arrive at the end of the afternoon
in Ghardaïa.
Settling in a traditional house "Akham".
Dinner and overnight.

Day 4
After breakfast, early morning departure towards Ain Salah with short stops along the way.
Arrival in El Golëa. Tour of the K'sours (ancient palaces) and the oasis of the city.
Lunch by the lake. Continuation towards Ain Salah.
Short stops on the way to admire the interminable horizon with its wild plants and brushes
growing between sand and rocks.
Arrival at the end of the afternoon in Ain Salah.
Dinner and overnight at the Hotel Tidikel t***.

Day 5
After breakfast, early morning departure toward Tamanrasset. Arrival in Arak.
Lunch break.
Continuation toward Tamanrasset.
Arrival late afternoon.
Dinner and overnight in Outoul.

Day 6
Breakfast and tour of Tamanrasset (bordj of Père de Foucauld and old city).
After lunch, we start upon the rocky and steep 80 kilometres to Atakor to reach the refuge
at the foot of the Assekrem plateau.
We will arrive early enough to walk towards the hermitage of Charles de Foucauld and to admire
the sunset atop the Atakor (20 minute walk).
We will spend the night at the refuge after a good dinner prepared by your cook.

Day 7
Early wakening for those who would like to see the sunrise of the Hoggar Mountain.
After breakfast, descent with all terrain vehicles toward the Adriane Plain.
Lunch in Tamanrasset before continuing the descent through large wadis towards
the Tassilis of Hoggar.
We cover a distance of 100km towards the south to reach the Zazir Wadi where we will se a few
Touareg camp sites before continuing towards the Igharghar Wadi and the Foutes Wadi where
we will settle camp at 150km from Tamanrasset.

Day 8
After breakfast and an early morning walk, we will keep going south going through many small
wadis which will bring us to the larger Wadi of Hoggar : the Tin Tarabin, which we will ascend
a little before we end up in the Ostriches city, small and pretty Ténéré which in turn will bring us
to the Your Aghlal site (large spaces in the middle of golden dunes where are built the ghostly
castles, the watchtowers, the wind sculpted fingers and large bundles looking like
sleeping elephants.)
Everywhere you look you will see strange shapes that you will want to discover by foot.
Overnight and campfire in the middle of the site.

Day 9
Exploration of the Youf Aghlal site and the Tinen Faza with its huge Bouddha Valley.
We will then go west to reach a beautiful canyon in the Tassili (Tin Egoleh).
Lunch break.
Resuming of our progression towards the south to reach our most prestigious camp site in
Tahaggart, real mineral jewel of the Tassili of Hoggar sculpted in the Giacometti fashion.
Overnight at the camp site.

Day 10
Free morning to discover the best viewpoints of the Tahaggart site.
The always changing perspectives will not cease to amaze you.
After a picnic for lunch, we will leave this fabulous site to cross the Tin Tarabine before ending up
in Tagrera where other eroded rocky formations in the shape of a mushroom will be awaiting us.
Overnight at the camp site in the region of Tagrera.

Day 11
Early morning walk in the Tagrera site before leaving for the In Tehok site.
Exploration of the site.
We will then go to In Akacheker and its fantastic sand finger caressed castles.
Lunch on the site of In Tehok before going to In Akacheker.
Camp in the middle of the dunes.

Day 12
After breakfast, departure from In Akecheker towards Tamanrasset.
Lunch on the way.
Arrival in Temanraset. Free time in the afternoon in the city.
Transfer at the camp. Settling in Outoul.
Dinner and overnight at the camp site.

Day 13
After breakfast, early morning departure towards Ain Salah. Arrival in Arak.
Lunch break. Continuation towards Ain Salah.
Arrival at the end of the afternoon.
Dinner and overnight at the Hotel Tidikelt ***.

Day 14
After breakfast, early morning departure towards Ain Salah with short stops on the road.
Arrival in El Golëa, settling on the lake shores for lunch.
Continuation towards Ghardaïa. Arrival at the end of the day.
Settling in Akham.
Dinner and overnight.

Day 15
Breakfast. Tour of the city, of the market and of the water sharing systems
(ancient irrigation systems).
After lunch, tour of the El Ateuf, Bounoura, Melika and Beni Yesguen cities.
Dinner and overnight in Akham.

Day 16
Early morning departure towards Guerara, a Mozabite city surrounded by magnificent Oasis.
Continuation towards H'jira (a village which is completely buried under the sand).
Lunch break. Tour of the old village (possibility of seeing wild camels).
Continuation towards El Wadi via Touggourt and Djamâa through sand dunes of the
Grand Oriental Erg.
Arrival in El Wadi. Tour of the Méheri Palace.
Dinner and overnight at the Hotel Ritane Palace ***.

Day 17
Early morning departure towards Guemmar. Short tour of the city.
Continuation towards Sidi Okba with stop to take picture at the Melghigh Chottes (fossilized lakes).
Tour of Sidi Okba, founder of the city of Kairawan in Tunisia.
Lunch in Biskra. Walk through the city.
Continuation towards Batna going through M'chouneche and the Ghoufi Balconies.
Arrival late afternoon in Batna. Settling at the Hotel Selim.
Dinner and overnight.

Day 18
After breakfast, departure towards Timgad for a tour of the Roman archaeological site
and its museum.
Continuation towards Constantine. Lunch on the way.
Arrival and settling at the Hotel Cirta ***.
Walk through the city and tour of the suspended bridges and of the museum.
Dinner and overnight.

Day 19
After breakfast, departure towards Jijel.
On the way, magnificent views with gorges and rock ambushes with a décor filled with greeneries
which complement well this pure and natural harmony. Lunch stop at Jijel.
Continuation towards Bejaia along the coast in order to admire the famous jijelienne ridge with
its caves and its heavenly views.
Arrival in Bejaia. Settling at the Hotel Club Alloui *** (feet in the water hotel).
Tour of the city and climbing towards Yemma Gouraya (magnificent citadel offering an impregnable
view of the city and its port).
Dinner and overnight.

Day 20
Breakfast and departure towards Tizi-Ouzou, the Kabylie capital.
Short stops on the way to visit and admire typical Beber villages. Lunch in Tizi-Ouzou.
Continuation towards Algiers through Tigzirt for a visit of the Roman Ruins and the Old Port.
Arrival in Algiers, settling at the Hotel Albert I ***.
Dinner and overnight.

Day 21
Breakfast. Tour of the city (Kasbah, Notre Dame of Africa Cathedral, Bardo Museum, Bastion 23…).
Lunch in town. Free afternoon.
Dinner and overnight at the Hotel Albert I.

Day 22
After breakfast, transfer to the port of Algiers.
Assistance with departure.

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2024 Timgad Voyages