• Timgad Voyages
  • +213 (0) 33 85 60 66

St Augustine the Algerian

Home Discovery Tours St Augustine the Algerian
  • St Augustine the Algerian

    Aucun 8 Days and 7 Nights

Day 1
Settling at the Rim El Djanoub Hotel 4* or Plazza 5*.
Visit of the Roman ruins of Hippone.
Visit of the Saint Augustin cathedral and museum.
Lunch in the city, tour of the city.
Dinner in the Caravelle restaurant, feet in the water.

Day 2
After breakfast, departure for Taghast (Souk Ahras) native city of Saint Augustin.
Visit of the Roman ruins and museum of Guelma. Lunch in the city.
Continuation toward Constantine. Settling at the Cirta Hotel 3*.
Tour of the city, visit of the suspended bridges, the Émir Abd El Kader mosque.
Tour of the other districts of Constantine.
Dinner and night at the Cirta Hotel.

Day 3
After breakfast, departure for Djémila.
Visit of the Roman ruin of the city, museum.
Continuation toward Sétif, visit of the museum. Lunch in the city.
Continuation toward Batna. Settling at the Chelia Hotel, visit of the Roman ruins of Timgad.
Dinner and night a the Chelia Hotel 4*.

Day 4
After breakfast, departure for Arris (coffee break).
Continuation on the 3 balconies of Ghoufi, palm tree plantation of Mechouneche.
Lunch on the way.
Dinner and night at the Zibans Hotel 4* in Biskra.

Day 5
After breakfast, return to Batna through the El Kantara gorges.
Lunch, transfer to the Batna Airport and take off for Algiers.
Settling at the Airport Hotel 3* Dar El Beida, dinner and overnight stay.

Day 6
After breakfast, visit of the Kasbah, museum of the Bardot, Martyrs monument.
Lunch in the city and free time in the afternoon.
Return to the Dar El Beida Hotel, dinner and night.

Day 7
Transfer to the airport.
Return to Brussels or Paris.

2024 Timgad Voyages