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Tassili of Hoggar [04]

Home Discovery Tours Tassili of Hoggar [04]
  • Tassili of Hoggar [04]

    Aucun 8 Days and 7 Nights

Day 1
Arrival in Tamanraset. Greeting at the airport and transfer to the city depending of the arrival of the flights, free time to visit the city.
At the end of the afternoon, transfer to the camp of Outoul. Settling in the rooms and tour of the garden.
Dinner at the camp restaurant or outdoors.

Day 2
Breakfast and departure around 8am from camp to start the descent toward the Tassilis of Hoggar.
Picnic on the way in one of the large wadi of the Hoggar (Igharghar wadi or Foutes wadi) and arrival at the end of the afternoon at the first camp which will be set up in the Tassili of Tenen Faza or of Youf Aghlal where the Tuareg tents will have been mounted.
Settling at the camp and resting.
Warm dinner prepared by the cook. Tea and night under the Tuareg tent or under the stars.
The camp Tenen Faza is located in front of immense Tassilis of rounded shapes reminding us of a huge army of buddhas frozen for eternity in a immense quiet space. You will be protected from any other incursion of other visitors and will be staying alone in these virgin spaces.

Day 3
Entire day devoted to the discovery, by foot or by car, of the tassilis of Tenen Faza and of Youf Aghlal. Large spaces in the middle of golden dunes where are planted ghostly castles, watchtowers, fingers sculpted by the wind, large round balls in the shape of sleeping elephants.
Quiet loop walk in the morning in Tenen Faza with return to camp for lunch and rest and a second loop walk in the afternoon in the region of Youf Aghlal and return to camp around 4 or 5pm. Sunset at the camp.
Aperitif and dinner.
Night at camp.

Day 4
After breakfast, departure in a 4X4 vehicle for an exploration of the Tassili Tin Egoleh, at about 20 km from the base camp. This Tassili is a pure wonder of nature and stays practically not passed through.
Discovery by foot of the Tin Egoleh canyons and lunch on site.
In the afternoon, at the moment where all the colors become the most beautiful, return to the Tenen Faza camp.
Dinner and night at the camp.

Day 5
We leave Tenen Faza after breakfast to reach the famous and magnificent site of Tahaggart, our trail leads us first to the Tin Tarabine wadi and we will pass through the Caravaneers Slab where we will admire the very beautiful rupestral engravings.
Early arrival at the Tahaggart citadels.
Pedestrian excursion with no difficulty.
Lunch on site and departure in the beginning of the afternoon to reach our camp of Youf Aghlal along the Tin Egoleh mountains.

Day 6
Day devoted to discovery by foot and by car of the very beautiful site of Youf A Haket that we can discover by two ways according to our tastes, either an arrival by foot from Youf Aghlal toward the peaks of Youf A Haket, either with an all-vehicle approach and discovery by foot of the site.
Picnic on site and return at the end of the afternoon to our Youf Aghlal camp.

Day 7
Departure early in the morning from Youf Aghlal to Tamanrasset.
Lunch on the way.
Arrival in Tamanrasset in the afternoon. Settling at Outoul.
Showers. Dinner and night.

Day 8
After breakfast.
Transfer to the airport.

2024 Timgad Voyages