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Tassili of Hoggar [03]

Home Discovery Tours Tassili of Hoggar [03]
  • Tassili of Hoggar [03]

    Aucun 8 Days and 7 Nights

Day 1
Arrival in the beginning of the morning in Tamanrasset.
Greeting and transfer to the tourist complex.
After breakfast, expedition preparation and departure for ASSEKREM.
Crossing of the first volcanic sites which are overlooked by the IHAREN peak, before we stop for the first visit of the TAHABERT source.
After the gueltas of IMLAOUALOUENE and AFILALE, arrival at the end of the afternoon in ASSEKREM.
Dinner and accommodation in a refuge.

Day 2
Early in the morning, after breakfast, return to Tamanrasset and continuation toward the Tassilian mountains of the HOGGAR.
Day almost all spent on the road.
Driving on the sand dunes, regs or following the wadis, sometimes green, you will have the chance to see a few gazelles before you arrive at the end of the afternoon in IGHARGHAR.
Lunch on the way.
Settling in IGHARGHAR for night in a bivouac.

Day 3
After breakfast, the convoy will take the path toward TAGRERA. Short leg before discovering the fabulous landscape of peaks and needles that are surrounded with the red sands of the Tassili.
Settling of the camp.
After lunch, pedestrian excursions in the prehistoric site, searching for Neolithic vestiges (mortars, grinding stones, rocks…) and visit of the rupestral engravings.
Night in TAGRERA. Bivouac.

Day 4
In the morning, after breakfast and the last necessary checks-ups, the vehicles will get back on the trail which will this time, follow the Tassili of TIN-MESKOR.
Lunch on the way, close to the TINIFAGH engraved slabs (Tuareg language).

Day 5
Afternoon entirely devoted to a walk in a veritable mineral labyrinth. At the end of the day, settling of the camp.
Departure un the morning for another leg marked out with sites and landscapes as fabulous than the others

Day 6
Early in the morning, we take the road again toward the last leg.
We leave the Tassili of HOGGAR to reach, as we go, the plains and wadis landscapes with mountains, junction between the two Tassilis.
Lunch in the TIN TARABINE or TADAOUETTE wadis.
The landscape of the green wadis, of regs and boxed canyons overlook before reaching at the end of the day the TAMEKREST cascades where the water, so rare in these regions, runs on a granite bottom.

Day 7
In the morning, departure for TAMANRASSET. Arrival at the complex for lunch. Settling in a full-pension. In the afternoon, free time to visit the city of TAMANRASSET. Blacksmiths of Adriane, the Brodj of the Père de Foucault, museum and market.

Day 8
Breakfast and transfer to the Algiers Airport.
Assistance with departure toward Europe.

2024 Timgad Voyages